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Daily Prayer Times

Pray in the Spirit at all times and occasion.  Stay alert and be persistent with your prayers for all believers everywhere.   Ephesians 6:18
Join us for prayer everyday.  Here is the information on how to join in

Monday: 6:30PM - Dial 712-451-0659, Code 107275#

Tuesday: 5:00AM - Dial 515-604-9536, Code 710656#

Wednesday: 5:00AM - Dial 712-770-4067, Code 677634#

Thursday: 5:00AM - Dial 515-606-5193, Code 400211#

Friday: 6:00AM - Dial 712-451-0242, Code 881405#

Saturday & Sunday: 6:00AM - Dial 978-990-5024 Code 1395719#

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